The Social Security Administration is a massive and intricate organization, which can frustrate Social Security disability benefits applicants searching for the correct person to contact regarding their benefits inquiries. An Oklahoma City disability attorney can navigate the bureaucracy and locate the appropriate Social Security Administration employees to work with throughout a client’s case.
The Social Security Administration’s Size and Organizational Structure
An Oklahoma City disability attorney will inform clients that the Administration employs more than 50,000 workers who fulfill various roles related to Social Security disability benefits and Supplemental Security Income. One particular sector of the Social Security Administration is known as the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, or ODAR.
ODAR employs several figures who regularly interact with an Oklahoma City disability lawyer, including:
- Administrative law judges
- Administrative appeals judges
- Other employees who help to determine an applicant’s disability status
Problems Arising From the Social Security Administration’s Structure
Sometimes even the most experienced disability attorneys can find the size and complex structure of the Social Security Administration exasperating. Therefore, without the assistance of an Oklahoma City disability attorney, disabled applicants may discover that it is almost impossible to locate the correct contact person regarding their benefits cases.
In addition, even if applicants do reach the appropriate employee within the Social Security Administration without the help of an Oklahoma City disability attorney, they may not receive accurate information or advice.
For instance, a Social Security Administration employee may not be fully aware of the complexities involved in determining an applicant’s disability status because his or her specialty is Supplemental Security Income, another Administration program, or because he or she does not regularly receive Administration updates. An applicant who contacts that employee through the toll-free hotline in lieu of consulting an Oklahoma City disability attorney may receive incorrect information, which can severely hinder his or her benefits case.
An Oklahoma City Disability Lawyer Might Help Applicants
Our Oklahoma City disability attorney may be able to help you cut through the Social Security Administration bureaucracy to close your disability case. Call us for a consultation.